Monday, April 25, 2011

Too boring to blog?

I'm afraid my life is too boring to blog about.

My job has been pretty dull lately so I've been thinking about boredom out of boredom, and have come up with a few observations (that you may find boring). 

Boredom is an emotional state experienced during periods lacking activity or when individuals are uninterested in their surroundings.

OK, at work I have plenty of activity, but it's the same thing over and over again, so my surroundings are evidently uninteresting, (at least to me).

At home I am NEVER bored. I have a million things to do here at the ranch, but if I don't want to do the routine things, I just don't.  This is why I usually have laundry piled up, dishes to put away, old mail to sort - you get the idea.  It's also why I have a growing garden made of blue bottles and rocks, amazing scores (amazing to me) on my favorite computer games and totally spoiled pets. This is one of the "pros" of being single.... I only have to make myself happy and I'm an enabler.

Maybe my life isn't that boring (to me) since I do find the simplest things around me so fascinating.  Like my backyard wildlife.....

and there's a lot of it!

All this animal observation keeps me pretty busy - and it's never boring. So guess I'll keep blogging.

PS Today is my Mom's birthday.  I think she would have liked my blog.


  1. You do not have grizzly bears or tigers in your backyard you silly single lady

  2. OK,OK - I don't have tigers so I took that picture out and replaced it with a photo of the moose that have been hanging around the pond.
