Friday, May 27, 2011

Come On Into My Kitchen

I bought my house in 2003 and thought that someday I would update the kitchen and after all this time I've finally done it!  Not a total overhaul, but new counter tops, stove, sink and tile.
Here are some before and after pics:




I can no longer blame my bad cooking on my kitchen appliances, so I may have to come up with some other excuse.  I have to admit, I foster my "bad cook" reputation even though it's not entirely true. I just want my friends and family to have such low expectations that any attempt to cook at all will reward me with showers of praise and encouragement.  So far that manipulative ploy hasn't actually worked.
A co-worker said to me the other day, "I thought of you last weekend.  I made a cake and it didn't turn out at all!  I finally realized I left out an ingredient."
I told her that I was highly insulted by her observation and would never have left out an ingredient.  I would have carefully mixed everything in the proper proportions, popped it in the oven, and gone outside "to play"... dashing back in 3 hours later when the smoke alarms went off.  That's my kind of cooking!

I saw Rexie outside today standing guard over one of the many mole holes in the yard.  I went out to check and found this little creature trembling under a leaf.  Later I found a larger mole that was alive, but appeared to have been mortally wounded.  I'm not actually fond of these rodents, but still felt a twinge of sadness and guilt about my bully cat. I suspect the little one was a baby of the mole that was about to meet her maker. That's nature for ya.

PS - Ben and Ce stopped by today on their way to the beer and wine festival.  I'm stuck with call this weekend so I'm staying home hoping my phone doesn't ring.


  1. your new kitchen looks great! I really like the tile!

  2. Thanks! The icing on the cake would be a lovely stained glass panel over the sink. I'll work on that next.
