My first post to my first blog is certain to be a subject of amusement on Ben's blog "Lull Excitement" since he helped me set this up and now knows the extent of my computer illiteracy. Guess I'll just have to figure it out as I go along and ignore the eye rolling and threats to talk about me on one of those 'my parents are so stupid' sites. I'm pretty sure I have other strengths - still discovering them. Getting through the month of December 2010 with health and sanity intact has been challenging and a possible future blog subject. But today is Christmas Eve, I'm on call and waiting for the dreaded phone call to hustle over to the hospital, and I still have plenty to do. I never feel quite ready for the holidays and somehow everything ends up being just fine. More later.
BTW - I had no good ideas about what to call this blog.When I asked Ben for suggestions he had no ideas but said I can always change it later...
PS. I did not have to go to work. A Christmas miracle!
I like your picture. This december has been a tough one for you. Thanks for taking care of me while I was sick.