Sunday, December 26, 2010

Happy Birthday to me!

I laid in bed this morning thinking about how many birthdays I have had and how many more I would have and immediately felt depressed. I'm sure it has a lot to do with Dad's recent death and Mom's poor health and probably multiple other factors, but the reality is I am 55 today and that is an unchangeable fact. Yeah me and Happy Birthday so I'm going to make the absolute best of it. First of all Ben is here today. He took me to McDonald's for breakfast and asked the gal behind the counter at what age they offered a senior discount...55!

I was born in 1955 and am turning 55 so that must mean something more profound than a 39 cent cup of coffee. Maybe this earns me the right to actively start practicing curmudgeoness by demanding every discount and perk that is available to me as a "senior". Maybe this is the year of the facelift, wardrobe makeover, sports car? Most likely 2011 will be pretty much like 2010 which was a whole lot like 2009. A little boring, but life is not bad at all.

What's a birthday without fireworks in the snow?

PS Gotta go back to work tomorrow and also shopping. I already have a gift return. Xena broke her steps.

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