It's not even noon on New Year's Day and I've already been - inundated! with the whole new year, new resolutions dilemma. I feel like I'm in the classic cartoon with an angel on one shoulder making kindly, well-meaning suggestions like "eat more cruciferous vegetables, work out three times a week, serve on a committee at work", and the devil on the other. "Take more naps, eat more chocolate, call in sick!" I think the devil often wins, and yet the internal debate eats up a lot of time and ultimately leads to immobility - no real decisions at all. This leads me to consider the healthiest resolution of all - be happy with what I am doing as I am doing it and stop feeling guilty about it whatever it is. Unless it's something really awful. ( I'm not inclined to be a true evil-doer though so I think we're safe. )
For instance - I am sitting here in my jammies typing this and Angel is whining, "Get dressed for crying out loud! Put the dirty dishes away, take the dog for a walk, get off your lazy ass!" Devil is smooth and seductive, "Blogging is a highly productive use of your precious time, Precious! Every word you type is meaningful and will inspire future generations to the pinnacle of Maslow's pyramid thingy!"
I know what your thinking....Devil needs some serious psychological rehab, but Devil keeps me from leading the life of a total drudge. So here are my far...may be subject to change:
1. Find a reason to be happy about whatever I'm doing - adopt the classic "glass half full" attitude.
2. Create a "bucket" list but don't obsess about completing it and recognize that it's OK to revise it as I go.
3. Make more time for friends. Put myself out there - have a party or 2.
4. Be happy - I already said that, but it's important enough to list twice.
OK - I think now I really will go get dressed, but only because it will make me happy.
PS Tomorrow is Sunday...I'm going hiking.
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